Raw Vegan Berry Pie - If Cavemen could make dessert
That's right. You read it correctly. This is the healthiest dessert you are ever going to have. Ever. Not only the healthiest, but also one of the most delicious. If you are like me, on a path of gluten free, paleo, juicing nutritiousness, there are few things that really get my jollies on anymore. Sure, steak, dark chocolate and wine are my mistresses, but there's not many good old desserts that I can (or even want to, for that matter) eat anymore. They either make me feel bloated, gross, or I'm straight up allergic to them. So, along comes this: the raw, vegan pie - the answer to all of my problems. I found a few recipes online for raw vegan pie, then added a few twists and turns of my own. This is my version of this delectable treat that you not only don't have to feel bad about, but you can bravely have for breakfast with your green smoothie and feel totally awesome until well into lunchtime. I.E. That means it's got enough car...