So Today Is the End of The World

December 21, 2012.
We've been waiting for this day for a long time.  What's going to happen?  Is anything going to happen? Is it instantaneous or will it take awhile?  Will it be another Big Bang with two galactic branes coming together like two hands clapping or will it just be a zombie apocalypse?  What is it anyway?

So here we are.  Another day.  It is raining in San Francisco, gently snowing in Cleveland, and doing whatever it does everywhere else in the world just like yesterday, and the day before that and so on.  We are all still here.
We all checked in to facebook and our other media sites to make sure everyone else was still "here" too.
So. . . .so what?
Well, it still somehow feels that today is a little different.
Perhaps because we have been focusing on this particular day for quite awhile now, there is a residual concentrated energy that is lingering on.  Perhaps, it is because all over the world, people are organizing meditation times and awareness practices of positive intentionality all at the same time.  We all had that ping of "what if" in the back of our minds and many of us made sure we were with our loved ones today.  Many of us are celebrating and joining with others to let our minds mingle and our voices be heard.  And even if we are going about just another day, travelling for the holidays or running errands, there is still some amount of consciousness on this very idea of the end.
What is it that we've made an end of?
And what does it mean to begin something new?
What new can we create?
Regardless that the electronic power grid isn't on the fritz and we are chasing zombies through the streets today (however exciting that might've been), I do not and cannot discount the power of human consciousness.  If, according to the uncertainty principle, we effect matter by placing our consciousness on it, all I can say is there is a hell of a lot of mental activity going on today on the prospect of bringing about a brave new world.
Does that mean an end to old patterns, of destruction, of greed, of pollution?  If only.
But perhaps what it does mean is that all of this consciousness has caused a little earthquake in the fabric of reality.  A little vibration that will echo and grow.  It is almost palpable right now as I write this.  There is something tangibly electric in the air.
Through the tragedies of the recent months, from catastrophes to killings, each one has an effect.  Each event opens our eyes a little bit more and causes many of us to not take it sitting down any more.  There can be a better tomorrow.  The dream of a brighter future for all human kind isn't a pipe dream if we all envision it to be.
Today is the end of the world and the beginning of winter.  If "winter is coming" is taken like in Game of Thrones, we are in for it bad.  Or, we can choose to see this as the beginning of a great introspection.  Of a time of drawing within ourselves to heal, to change and to grow.  Perhaps in this way and end can never really be an end.  It is only a time of change.  And change can happen in any way we want it to.
So, today, make a resolve.
We all want a better place, for us and for our children.  And that begins with us right here and right now.
Love like you've never loved before.  Do not be afraid of your own heart and your own truth.
Blink and clear your eyes and see, really see the world around you in its supreme beauty and its sublime ugliness.
Don't be afraid to cry and laugh from your soul.
Fear and doubt are crippling and something our ego has invented to hold us back.  Let go.
Step into your power.  You've never been more ready than right now.
It's the end of the world.
What do you have to lose?



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